Read Our Blog Visual Automation Blog By Duane Fahey

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

  Secure Desktop 6.63 and more...
Well, I'm new to this blogging thing, and I missed a couple of posts. Instead of just putting the basic bullets of what has changed since the last version, which is already on the version page, I've decided to actually write a little...

So, in this version of Secure Desktop, we moved to a low-level keyboard hook for keystroke logging, rather than a regular keyboard hook, for NT 4 Service Pack 3 and later. This is when low-level keyboard hooks were invented. They don't exist in previous versions of Windows. This feature was put into the code to better support DOS programs. Yes, we have customers using DOS...

There is no change to the user interface. The software just detects what version of Windows you are running, and then chooses between the regular keyboard hook or low-level keyboard hook. It's automatic.

We are also working on a new version of ColdKey, and we really want to finish our Firefox extension. Are you using Firefox? Have you tried it? We're pretty excited about this product, for all of our customers using a browser in a kiosk situation. Please let me know any thoughts you might have about browsers.

Those of you who have placed orders in the last few months, directly from us, have noticed that we are doing digital delivery now. Yes, we want to get out of the CD business. Some of you really want CDs, so if you specify this, we will still ship, for now anyway.

So, I guess that's all for now. Drop me an e-mail with any ideas or suggestions. Thanks! - Duane
  2/15/2005 10:38:00 AM

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